Ultimate Workout Split: Push/Pull/Legs Workout Plan

The Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout split, often referred to simply as PPL, has gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts for its versatility and effectiveness. Throughout my fitness journey, I’ve found this workout split to be one of the most versatile and efficient methods, whether my goal was muscle gain or weight loss.

In this article I am going to show you the push-pull-legs workout plan that I used to lose weight, as well as the workout plan I am currently using to pack on some lean muscle mass.

But, before I show you my workout plans I am going to tell you what the push-pull-legs workout split is and the benefits of using it.

What Is Push Pull Legs Split?

The Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout split is a structured fitness routine that strategically divides muscle groups into three distinct categories: push, pull, and leg workouts. This approach allows for a well-rounded training regimen that targets various muscle groups and promotes balanced development.

Push workouts primary work the…

  • Pectorals
  • Deltoids
  • Triceps

Pull workouts primary work the…

  • Latissimus Dorsi (last)
  • Trapezoid (traps)
  • Biceps
  • Rhomboids
  • Forearms

Leg workouts primary work the…

  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Calves

There are different variations of Push-Pull-Legs splits, which you can do depending on your training experience, goals and availability. There are 2 main Push-Pull-Legs workout plans, these are the 3 day Push-Pull-Legs split or the 6 day Push-Pull-Legs split.

3 day Push-Pull-Legs workout split

Monday: Push

Tuesday: Rest and Recovery

Wednesday: Pull

Thursday: Rest and Recovery

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Rest and Recovery

Sunday: Rest and Recovery

The 3 day Push-Pull-Legs split is good if you can only make it to the gym 3 times a week as you are still workout every muscle group and can work each muscle to maximum volume. It is also good if you are trying to lose weight as you are working every muscle group, plus you can add cardio and abs on your rest days.

6 day Push-Pull-Legs workout split

Monday: Push

Tuesday: Pull

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Push

Friday: Pull

Saturday: Legs

Sunday: Rest and Recovery

The 6 day Push-Pull-Legs workout split is my favourite split and is great for if you want to back on some serious size and strength as you are working every muscle group twice whilst at the same time allowing recovery time between working each muscle group.

Benefits of Push Pull Legs Splits

The benefits of implementing a Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout split extend to individuals with different fitness goals, whether it’s building muscle or shedding excess weight. Here’s are some advantages of following a Push-Pull-Legs workout split.

  • They make it very easy to plan out your program, which is useful if you are new to training because you know exactly what exercises you need to train that day.
  • It has been used by thousands of trainees of all levels with great success over the years, as long as you use the principle of progressive overload, it will be very effective.
  • Guaranteed to train every muscle group to maximum volume.
  • They are very adaptable, as you can add days of training during the week to add to your load, meaning the training rotation remains the same except that you add more days.

3 Day Push Pull Legs Workout Plan to Build Muscle

For those with time constraints or specific fitness goals, the 3-day Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout split provides a balanced and efficient approach. This workout plan ensures that you work every major muscle group while allowing for adequate rest and recovery.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the 3-day Push-Pull-Legs workout split.

Monday – Push Workout

Flat Barbell Bench Press3-44-6
Standing Overhead Press3-44-6
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press3-46-8
Arnold Press3-46-8
Cable Flyes3-410-12
Lateral Raises3-410-12
Tricep Dips3-410-12
Rope Tricep Extensions3-410-12

Tuesday – Rest or recovery (stretching/yoga)

Wednesday – Pull Workout

Bent Over Row3-44-6
Pull Ups or Lat Pulldowns3-46-8
T-Bar Row3-46-8
Reverse (back) Flyes3-410-12
Cable Bicep Curls3-410-12
Drag Curls3-410-12
Preacher Curls3-410-12

Thursday – Rest or recovery (stretching/yoga)

Friday – Legs Workout

Back Squats3-44-6
Lying Leg Curls3-410-12
Leg Extensions3-410-12
Standing Calf Raises3-410-12

Saturday – Rest and Recovery

Sunday – Rest and Recovery

It is important to progressively increase the weight and focus on proper form, in order to see increasing gains. By combining this workout, with good diet and nutrition, you cannot fail to see your muscle grow.

6 Day Push Pull Legs Workout to Build Muscle

If you have enough availability and want to workout 6 days a week, the 6-day Push-Pull-Legs workout is guaranteed to pack you some serious muscle on, if followed alongside a good diet plan.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the 6-day Push-Pull-Legs workout split.

Monday: Push (upper body)

Flat Barbell Bench Press3-44-6
Seated Overhead Press3-44-6
Decline Bench Press3-46-8
Lateral Raises3-410-12
Cable Flyes3-410-12
Tricep Dips3-410-12
Cable Tricep Extensions3-410-12

Tuesday: Pull (Upper Body)

Bent Over Rows3-44-6
Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns3-46-8
Seated Row3-46-8
Reverse (back) Flyes3-410-12
Bicep Curls3-410-12
Preacher Curls3-410-12

Wednesday: Legs and Core

Romanian Deadlifts3-44-6
Romanian Hack Squats3-48-10 per leg
Leg Extensions3-410-12
Seated Calf Raises3-410-12
Planks3-430-60 seconds each

Thursday: Push (Upper Body)

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press3-44-6
Arnold Press3-46-8
Dumbbell Pullover3-46-8
Standing Overhead Press3-46-8
Cable Flyes3-410-12
Front Raises3-410-12
Cable Tricep Extensions3-410-12

Friday: Pull (Upper Body)

One-Armed Row (per arm)3-44-6
Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns3-46-8
T-Bar Row3-46-8
Chin Ups3-410-12
Dumbbell Reverse Flyes3-410-12
Drag Curls3-410-12
Cable Bicep Curls3-410-12

Saturday: Legs and Core

Hack Squats3-46-8
Lunges3-46-8 per leg
Seated Leg Curls3-410-12
Standing Calf Raises3-410-12
Planks3-430-60 seconds each

Sunday: Rest and Recovery

It is important to progressively increase the weight and focus on proper form, in order to see increasing gains. By combining this workout, with good diet and nutrition, you cannot fail to see your muscle grow.

6 Day Push Pull Legs Workout Plan For Weight loss

A Push-Pull-Legs (Push, Pull, Legs, and Cardio) workout plan for weight loss focuses on full-body strength training and cardiovascular exercises, which can help you burn calories, build lean muscle, and boost your metabolism.

Here is a sample Push-Pull-Legs and cardio workout plan for weight loss.

Monday: Push (Upper Body)

Flat Barbell Bench Press3-410-12
Overhead Shoulder Press3-410-12
Dumbbell Flyes3-412-15
Lateral Raises3-412-15
Tricep Dips3-410-12
Cardio (20-30 minutes)Moderate-Intensity

Tuesday: Pull (Upper Body)

Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns3-410-12
Bent-Over Rows3-410-12
Reverse (back) Flyes3-412-15
Bicep Curls3-412-15
Hammer Curls3-412-15
Cardio (20-30 minutes)Moderate-Intensity

Wednesday: Legs and Core

Romanian Deadlifts3-48-10
Romanian Hack Squats (per leg)3-412-15
Leg Extensions3-412-15
Planks3-430-60 seconds each
Cardio (20-30 minutes)Moderate-Intensity

Thursday: Push (Upper Body)

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press3-410-12
Arnold Press3-410-12
Cable Flyes3-412-15
Front Raises3-412-15
Cable Tricep Extensions3-410-12
Cardio (20-30 minutes)Moderate-Intensity

Friday: Pull (Upper Body)

Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns3-410-12
Seated Row3-410-12
Cable Reverse (back) Flyes3-412-15
Drag Curls3-412-15
Cable Bicep Curls3-412-15
Cardio (20-30 minutes)Moderate-Intensity

Saturday: Legs and Core

Hack Squats3-48-10
Lunges (per leg)3-412-15
Seated Leg Curls3-412-15
Planks3-430-60 seconds each
Cardio (20-30 minutes)Moderate-Intensity

Sunday: Rest and Recovery.

It is important to adjust the weight and repetitions according to your fitness level, gradually increasing intensity as you progress, in order to see the best results.

Diet, Nutrition and Supplementation

Training is a key aspect to both weight loss and muscle gain, but it is pointless without combining is with good diet and nutrition. By combining training with balanced diet and nutrition, your results will be incredible.

Here are some articles about what foods to eat or avoid when trying to gain muscle or lose weight:

There are also various different supplements on the market that can aid muscle gain and weight loss if you hit a plateau or feel like you need a bit of extra help. However, be careful when choosing which supplement to use, as a lot of them do not work, and could cause harm.

To help you to choose the best weight loss supplement I have done a lot of research and tested a number of supplements myself to find out which supplements are safest and work best.

Here are some articles on supplements that i have written to help you achieve your goals:

If you combine training, diet and supplementation into either a muscle gaining program or a weight loss program, you cannot fail to reach you training goals.


In conclusion, the upper-lower split is a highly effective and versatile training routine that is used by fitness enthusiasts and athletes of various levels for its ability to target both upper and lower body muscle groups in an organized and balanced manner.

By splitting your training sessions into upper and lower body workouts, you can better manage fatigue and recovery, allowing for more intense and productive training sessions. This approach also enables you to customize your workouts to suit your individual goals, whether they be hypertrophy, strength, or overall fitness.

However, if you give the Push-Pull-Legs split a go and it isn’t working for you, there are many other workouts splits out there that might work better to suit you.

Here are some articles in other workouts splits to try:

If you have any questions about push-pull legs split, or any other training split, leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I am here to help.

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